Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 7, 2018

What can the audience expect of The Incredibles 3?

'The Incredibles 2' satisfied the fans after their debut. Directed by Brad Bird, it's about the third, and I hope the audience does not have to wait 14 years.

Change of Timeline: Though it debuted 14 years later, The Incredibles 2 (2018) is set right after The Incredibles (2004) ends with the parody of Underminer. John Ratzenberger). Audiences once again witnessed Violet (Sarah Vowell) and Dash (Huck Milner) seek to control their super powers. Repeat that can make the third become boring. Viewers have the right to expect the Incredibles 3's time setting to be pushed for a few more years when Violet prepares to go to college, Dash becomes a high school student, and Jack-Jack (Eli Fucile) is the one to look for. super power control. This is a fertile ground for director Brad Bird to develop new ideas.

A villain from the past: Up until now, both of the main villains of The Incredibles are not the same ones who have confronted the Parr. Mr. Incredible (Craig T. Nelson) and Elastigirl (Holly Hunter) are built as exemplary parents. However, their super heroes and heroes past are still very vague. This is a good opportunity for filmmakers to bring back a villain from the past, exploiting the hidden angles of Parr's character.

Superman on megashare9 : With the exception of Frozone (Samuel L. Jackson), rare viewers have the opportunity to see a friend who fights with Bob and Helen in part one. The reason is because they have Syndrome (Jason Lee) destroyed almost. But, The Incredibles 2 introduces a whole new generation of superheroes, most notably Voyd (Sophia Bush). Unfortunately, the group is brainwashed by Evelyn Deavor (Catherine Keener) and becomes Parr's rival. The Incredibles 3 is a great opportunity for Pixar to build a super hero squad as magnificent Justice League or Avengers for the brand. Of course, the Parr House is still the center, but the battles in the movie will become much more glamorous.

Another superhero family: In a world full of superheroes like The Incredibles, the Parr House is certainly not the only one. Another superhero family, both close friends and rivals for them, will be extremely interesting. Not only against the criminals, the two can compete with the world's number one superhero. In addition, the Violet, Dash and Jack-Jack have more friends of the same age to carry super power to share is very promising.

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An Adventure Around the World: The Incredibles (2004) is set mostly on Nomanisan Island's Syndrome, while the second part travels through several cities. But, The Incredibles 3 should raise the story even further. That not only made the film more epic, but also brought new insights to the audience about the fantasy world of the series. This is also the premise for Mr.. Incredible and Elastigirl meet more 'coworkers' in other countries.

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